Beekeepers training

Intermediate Training

Towards the Basic

If you have a year or more of beekeeping experience by next summer, why not take your Basic Assessment- your beekeeping “driving license”? This is a practical assessment which involves going through a hive, discussing your beekeeping and making a frame. To support members of Warwickshire (well, our side of it) we are running a blended training course of zoom calls and a training day. This will boost your confidence and put you in touch with other beekeepers doing the same thing. The sessions will be:

Zoom 2nd April 7.00-8.00pm

Day workshop 12th April 2025 Eathorpe Village Hall, 9.30am - 4.30pm

Zoom 24th April 7.00 -8.00pm

There is a charge of £5 for refreshments. To sign up please fill in your details using this Google form

This course is intended for those who have entered for the Basic Assessment next year. So please do this by contacting [email protected] and you will get sent a personalised link.

Honey Bee Health Certificate

If you have your Basic Assessment, why not take the Honey Bee Health Certificate?  This is a totally practical assessment which really gets you to understand hygiene, disease and pests- it is very useful to your beekeeping. To prepare you and give you confidence, we will be having a training programme. This involves a number of zoom study calls and a day workshop:

Zoom March 20th 7.00-8.30

Zoom March 27th 7.00-8.30

April 13th- whole day workshop at Eathorpe Village Hall and apiary (weather permitting) 9.30 - 4.30

Zoom call 24th April 8.30-9.30.

There is a charge of £5, which will include the cost of refreshments at the day workshop. To sign up please fill in your details using this Google form

These sessions are for members who have enrolled in the Honey Bee Health Certificate. To do this, please email [email protected] and you will be sent a personal link to enrol in and pay for the assessment. The assessment will be arranged at a time to suit you during the summer.

Module study groups

If you are interested in taking the BBKA Module 3, Honey Bee Health- you can join our Module Study Group and do the exam in March 2025. To enrol for the exam please email [email protected]. To join the study group, please email David Bonner [email protected]

This study group is for those taking the Module in March 2025.

You can also study using the growing range of module materials, including study group materials on BBKA Learning Online.

Microscopy Group

WBKA has a successful microscopy group. It meets at Eathorpe Village Hall on Saturday mornings (10-13.00) every other month and also has zoom calls on the second Thursday of the month. To find out more, email Barry Meatyard [email protected].  The dates for 2025 are:

Meetings (Eathorpe Village Hall )

4th Jan

8th March


5th July

6th September

1st November

Zoom calls (7.30-9.00)

13th Feb

10th April

12th June

14th August

9th October

11th December