Donations to WLBK
Your donation will be put towards achieving our charitable objectives to:
- help us teach and inform everyone about bees and beekeeping
- help us promote understanding of the importance of bees to the environment
- help us educate beekeepers in the craft of beekeeping.
We actively promote these aims by:
- Giving beekeeping presentations by invitation from local organisations
- Providing displays of beekeeping at large and small show events
- Providing training courses for aspiring beekeepers
- Maintaining a training apiary specifically to educate new beekeepers and help improvers in the craft
- Holding regular members’ meetings with expert speakers on topical issues
- Providing glass-sided educational and conventional beehives in public areas such as the Warwick Museum, Jephson Gardens, and Kenilworth Castle
- Supporting the National Pollinator Strategy to Increase forage availability for all pollinators by encouraging and practising initiatives such as creating wildflower meadows, re-wilding roadside verges, etc.
- Supporting members seeking formal qualification in the craft.
- Collecting swarms as a free phoneline service to callers
- Improving the quality and health of bees kept by members
- Facilitating friendship, networking and mutual support among beekeepers in the locality.
Charity No. 1197656
You can donate:
By making a one-off donation by Bank Transfer by BACS Payments to:
Account name WLBKA (Warwick & Leamington Spa Branch of Warwickshire Beekeepers Association)
Account number 00173056 | Sort Code 30-94-93
Please contact our Hon. Treasurer at [email protected] if you donate by this means so that we can acknowledge your generosity
By posting a cheque to the Warwick & Leamington Spa Branch of Warwickshire Beekeepers Association.
Make your cheque payable to ‘WLBKA’
Post to Hon Treasurer, WLBKA, Oaktree Cottage, Cryfield Grange Road, Kenilworth CV8 2JU
GIFT AID on your donation will cost you nothing, but increase its value to us by 25%.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration and send it to our Hon Treasurer at the above email address.